On March 11, 2023, about 100 folk from the Borderlands region participated in the Tubac Storytrail Garden Dedication. It was truly memorable! Here are some photo highlights.
Members, founders, friends and staff of BCA
Alma Cota de Yanez, Executive Director, FESAC, Fundación Empresariado Sonorense A.C. (FESAC), legally established in 1999, is a Mexican nonprofit organization based in Sonora that focuses on community development in the border region.
Gathering for food, friendship and collaboration at the BCA 10th Anniversary Commemorative Arch
Portal, iron sculpture by Lee Blackwell, 1988
RUSTED RIBBONS -- hug the Heart Trail in honor of Borderland nonprofits that offer REALISTIC HOPE through their efforts to create a region where all can better thrive. PFLAF through its local chapters supports parents, families, straight/gay spouses and all LGBTQ. This support comes in the form of a confidential setting of monthly meetings. They provide each person, at any stage of their journey, the chance to share experiences and issues in a safe, supportive, friendly environment.
Arch Entrance to the Heart Trail from Above
WONDERFUL Drone photography courtesy of Murray Sagsveen. Murray spent several weeks photographing the garden from above so the Heart Trail would simulate the "Broken Hearts at the Border" sculpture and heart necklace by Ernie Lopez.
Piedra Drive (right); The Heart Trail is surrounded by Peace Hero Stone markers and Rusted Ribbons that honor Borderland organizations. (Murray Sagsveen, Used with permission)
Rev. Matthew Funke Crary, one of the 2023 Peace Heroes Inductees says, "Listening to the stories of injustice awakens a new justice."
A sketch of 2023 Peace Hero Inductee, Barbara Lemmon by Dusty Friedman. Barbara is way cool!
A sketch of Todd Rose, creator of the "Welcoming a World Beyond Borders" archway; by Dusty Friedman at the Dedication gathering.
Evolution of the Arch. The Arch was a glistening silver a few days before the Dedication. With the assistance of some vinegar and water, it quickly began to rust. It slowly will share the same rust patina as the Portal--although the Portal has been rusting for nearly forty years!
Linda Hall, photographer and Karin Topping, Director of the Tubac Center of the Arts
(l to r) Bob Rose, Todd Rose, Lee Blackwell and 2023 Peace Hero Inductee, Tony Bruno.
Rocks flow from the Arch ... symbolic of the stories, yet untold, that help build understanding toward a more peaceful and just world. The street name, Piedra, means "stones" or "rocks."
RUSTED RIBBON: F E S A C, Fundación Empresariado Sonorense A.C. (FESAC), legally established in 1999, is a Mexican nonprofit organization based in Sonora that focuses on community development in the border region. BCA and FESAC collaborate on projects that help bring sustainability to the Borderlands.
Patsy Ferrell, a co-founder of the Storytrail Foundation, and a local Tubac artist, greets guests at the Dedication
(l - r /front) Jermain Lowe, Jessy Zamorano, (rear) Jerry Leggett, Jerry Haas, Bob Phillips, Jim Pettigrew
Celia Bavier, Executive Director, Border Community Alliance, and Alma Cota de Yanez, Executive Director, FESAC
Welcoming a World Beyond Borders archway featuring the BCA Keystone
Jerry Leggett, Executive Director and a Founder of the Storytrail Foundation & Garden
Todd Rose, Rose Metalworks, offers remarks about the "Welcoming a World Beyond Borders" sculpture installation. (see text online)
Laura Romero, Executive Director, St. Andrew's Clinic, speaks about their work in Nogales and in the Borderlands region. Laura is the Storytrail Foundation featured 2023 Peace Hero.
(l to r): Nancy Murphy, Joyce Stroud and Deb Ellis.
(l to r): Michele Lewis, Valle Verde Rotary Club, Bruce Monro, Tubac Rotary Club, Laura Romero, St. Andrew's Clinic / Nogales, Tim Dugan, Valle Verde Rotary Club
Laura Romero, Martha House, Bruce Monro and Michele Lewis.
2023 Peace Hero Inductees gather beneath the Beyond Borders archway. Of the 19 inductees, (l to r/front): Bob Phillips, Alma Cota de Yanez, Jessy Zamorano, Lika Mejia, Bud Eckhart, Patsy Ferrell, Barbara Lemmon (l to r/rear): Jerry Haas, Jose Lopez, Martha House, Tony Bruno.
Barbara Lemmon, 2023 Peace Hero Inductee, receives a Peace Hero Award certificate from Jerry Leggett
Jose Lopez reads the names of the 2023 Peace Hero Inductees
(l to r): 2023 Peace Hero Inductees, Jose Lopez and Lika Mejia, Director of Casa de la Misericordia in Nogales, receive Peace Hero Award certificates from Celia Bavier and Jerry Leggett
Dr. Jose Lopez, an MC for the event, has served as a faithful consultant to the project since its inception. Jose also serves as the treasurer of the Border Community Alliance.
Ernie Lopez is the creator of the "Broken Hearts at the Border" found-art sculpture at the entrance to 38 Piedra Drive. The Heart Trail is based upon his artistic design. Ernie has been supportive of the Storytrail Foundation on many levels including a Storytrail Foundation Presenting Artist.
RUSTED RIBBON: At the center of the Heart is the Black Lives Matter ribbon. Organizations like BLM offer REALISTIC HOPE that positive change can happen through the courageous acts of everyday people.
Lynn Carey, has been a good friend to the Tubac Storytrail Garden; her husband, Harry Peck is a 2023 Peace Hero Inductee.