Frequently Asked Questions

What is Peace Heroism?

A way of life founded upon five core ideals that reflect compassion, interconnections, nonviolence, justice and service.

Peace Hero ideals undergird acts of justice and equity that help build a world where everyone can better thrive. 

Peace Heroism is a lifelong struggle rooted in humility and empathy toward self and others, resisting the path of perfectionism in favor of the expression of kindness to all sentient beings including oneself. 

What is a Peace Hero?

An everyday person who accepts risk and succeeds in making the world less violent and more just.

What is the essential role of a Peace Hero?

A Peace Hero is not so much something we are but an ideal we reflect in our everyday actions. Each new day offers new opportunities to put Peace Hero Ideals to the test.

What are some of the Ideals of Peace Heroism?

In everyday life, a Peace Hero seeks to: 

  • Recognize Interconnections; 

  • Promote Justice;, 

  • Reject Vengeance; 

  • Foster Friendship and Reconciliation; 

  • Practice Service.

What is a Peace Hero Storycard?

A resource to disseminate a Peace Hero story in a user-friendly format.  These can be  printed or online and are similar to ’trading cards’.  Each includes a photo, quote and brief bio sketch. A set of Storycards offers a way to teach the importance of Peace Heroism in the context of a local setting and showcase available resources for community collaborations on justice action. 

What are the three Peace Hero Project Proto-types the Storytrail Foundation has successfully developed with local, community partners?

Peace Hero Walk:

Since 2015, the Storytrail Foundation has organized ten Peace Hero community education and fundraising events in three states that have raised nearly $350,000. These events fund local peace and justice initiatives. They also lift up often unheard stories that speak to a more just world. An 89-page manual has been created along with other resources to assist local communities in organizing an event. Featured communities include: Thousand Oaks and Carlsbad, CA; Phoenix, AZ and Dayton, OH.

Peace Hero Trail:

The first-in-the-nation Peace Hero Trail was organized by the Miami Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, Dayton, OH in 2020 and has raised more than $100,000 for local justice initiatives and congregational support. Hosted on the MVUUF campus, the project features more than fifty Peace Heroes and serves as an important didactic space for teaching Peace Heroism to a new generation of Peacebuilders.

Storytrail Garden:

Dedicated in 2023, The Tubac Storytrail Garden offers a 1-acre art-installation in a desert garden setting featuring over 100 Peace Hero Storyrocks. As a project of the Storytrail Foundation, this private garden offers free Storywalks that lift up the often unheard stories of peace and justice. More at:

What is SPGANA and how can I be part of it?

SPGANA: Storytrail Peace Gardens Across North America

The Storytrail Foundation certifies and provides valuable start-up assistance for local SPGANA projects including free Zoom consulting and printed resources.

A SPGANA trail or garden offers a space to honor, cultivate, and ally with transformational stories of everyday Peace Heroes and the ideals that guide them.

Explore our prototypes online to discover how you can be a catalyst for peace in your community. 

What is the primary mission of the Storytrail Foundation?

The Storytrail Foundation’s primary mission is to give voice to the untold stories of peace and justice and encourage collaborative initiatives that engage local communities in justice education and action.