Peace Heroism
Visit the Heart Trail in Tubac Online.
A space to honor Peace Heroes
Schedule a Zoom Storywalk in our private Sculpture Garden filled with Story Art in Tubac. Traverse the labyrinth virtually — take a leisurely stroll on the 3/4 acre Heart Trail. You’ll be inspired by the lives of more than 100 Peace Heroes who have been selected by people across the U.S. Their stories offer positive lessons for nurturing Borderland communities where all can better thrive!
“A Peace Hero is often an everyday person who accepts risk and succeeds in making the world less violent and more just.”
Peace Hero Bell
Storytrail Foundation
Find out about our mission, methods, and the results of our eight-year efforts to lift up everyday Peace Heroes and teach the core values of Peace Heroism as a way of life.
Take Action
Ready to take the next step? You can become a contributor to our cause, or participate yourself.